William McCoy Sangster


William McCoy Sangster

Educator – Builder of Bridges – International Consultant – Author

Educational Consulting – Foreign Academic Consulting – Hydraulics – Fluid & Solid Mechanics

Forty-seventh National Honor Member Nominated by the University of Iowa

William M. Sangster, who was born in Austin, Minnesota, has been Dean of the College of Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology since 1974. The instructional and research activities of the college are now budgeted at over $36 million. Dr. Sangster was the Director of the School of Civil Engineering at Georgia Tech from 1967 to 1974. For the previous nineteen years, he served on the University of Missouri faculty.

National recognition has accrued in the past fifteen years to many of Tech’s engineering programs, both academically and in the arena of research and new programs. Dean Sangster’s international activities include visits to more than 142 countries around the world. He has done academic consulting for a number of foreign universities and has developed cooperative education and research programs with many other foreign institutions. He is the author of numerous publications in the field of fluid and solid mechanics, hydraulics, and engineering education.

Dr. Sangster was National President of ASCE in 1974-75. He is past chairman of the committee which oversees the accreditation of all of the engineering curricula in the United States. He has served on the board of directors of ASCE, ABET, Engineers Joint Council, United Engineering Trustees, Engineering Manpower Commission, Engineering Foundation, the Engineering Societies Library, and five corporations including the Franki Foundation Company of Boston, Massachusetts.

The University of Iowa awarded Bill Sangster the following degrees: B.S. in C.E., 1947; M.S., 1948; Ph.D., 1964. He also studied at the U.S. Naval Academy and the University of Missouri. He is a registered Professional Engineer in Missouri and Georgia.

Dean Sangster is a Fellow of ABET, 1988; Fellow of American Association of the Advancement of Science, 1986; member of the American Academy of Environmental Engineers; member of NSPE, ASEE, Tau Beta Pi, and Phi Kappa Phi. He is listed in Who’s Who in the World, Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in Engineering, American Men and Women of Science, and Contemporary Notables.

Dr. Sangster has been Tech’s faculty representative to the National Collegiate Athletic Association since 1973. He served as President of the Atlantic Coast Conference during 1983-84 and is the Tech representative to the ACC currently.

In 1947, William Sangster was first elected to Chi Epsilon at the University of Iowa, chapter no. 16, chartered in 1940, with a general number of 3722 and an individual chapter number of 36. He was elevated to Chapter Honor Member of Chi Epsilon by the Georgia Tech chapter in 1980 with an individual chapter number of 1235. The Supreme Council of Chi Epsilon was privileged to elevate William M. Sangster to be the 47th National Honor Member of Chi Epsilon on April 21, 1990, in Knoxville, Tennessee, during the 31st National Conclave.

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