Stephen D. Bechtel, Jr


Stephen D. Bechtel, Jr

Professional Engineer – Builder – Business Leader – Civic Leader

Worldwide Engineering – Engineering Construction – Business Administrator

Forty-eighth National Honor Member Nominated by the Purdue University Chapter

Stephen D. Bechtel, Jr., is the Chairman of the Bechtel Group, Inc., Bechtel Investments, Inc., and Sequoia Ventures, Inc. First employed by one of the Bechtel group of companies in 1941, Mr. Bechtel held a wide variety of jobs and responsibilities, both in the field and in the San Francisco Home Office, before being elected President in 1960. In 1965, the chairman, his father, retired. Today, his worldwide engineering and construction business provides a broad scope of technical and management services to clients in many industry sectors.

Mr. Bechtel is a Director on the Board of IBM and is a former Chairman of the Business Council. He was appointed to serve on five separate President’s Committees by Presidents Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, and Gerald Ford. He served two terms as the Chairman of the National Academy of Engineering, 1982-86. The National Society of Professional Engineers selected him as 1990 National Engineer’s Week Honorary Chairman.

Stephen Bechtel holds a B.S. in civil engineering from Purdue University and an M.S. in business administration from Stanford University Graduate School of Business. He is a Registered Civil Engineer in California, the District of Columbia, and eight other states.

Mr. Bechtel is a Fellow of ASCE; an Honorary Fellow of the United Kingdom’s Institute of Chemical Engineers; a Foreign Member of the United Kingdom’s Fellowship of Engineers; and Member of Tau Beta Pi. In 1979, ASCE awarded him the John L. Parcel-Leif J. Sverdrup Civil Engineering Management Award for “his skill, enterprise, and foresight in managing one of the world’s largest civil engineering projects: the Jubail Industrial Complex in Saudi Arabia.” In 1981, he received the 1980 Herbert Hoover Medal, one of the highest honors given annually by the engineering profession.

His numerous other awards and honors include: Purdue’s Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award, 1964; Engineering News Record, Construction’s Man of the Year for 1974; National Academy of Engineering, 1975; Honorary Doctorate of Science, University of Colorado.

Mr. Bechtel received the 1985 President’s Award from ASCE “in recognition of 45 years of outstanding service to his local, national, and global communities, applying engineering, technology, and management skills to the betterment of mankind.” A commission of seven national engineering societies awarded him the 1985 Washington Award for “his skillful, foresighted, and efficient leadership in construction engineering worldwide, and for his dedication to the engineering profession and education.”

He was first elected to Chi Epsilon in 1945 at Purdue, Chapter No. 11, chartered in 1929, with a general number of 3428 and a chapter number of 344. The Supreme Council was privileged to elevate Stephen D. Bechtel, Jr., to be the 48th National Honor Member of Chi Epsilon on April 30, 1990, at Purdue University.

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