Oscar S. Bray


Oscar S. Bray

Builder – Designer – Management Consultant – Lecturer

Railway Construction – International Design Systems – Foundation & Tunnel Design

Forty-second National Honor Member Nominated by the Northeastern University

Oscar S. Bray contributed to the practice of Civil Engineering beginning in 1924. After serving as Vice-President of Camp Dresser & McKee International, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts, from 1972 to 1977, he continued his professional practice by being Consultant at Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc.

Oscar Bray was born in 1905 in Dover, New Jersey, the son of Oscar S. and Bertha Bray. Prior to college, he worked four years in field engineering on railway construction. In 1932, the University of Cincinnati awarded him a B.S. in C.E. and a professional degree in Civil Engineering.

His professional history included: 2nd Lt. U.S. Army (Reserve) 1933; construction Foreman, Construction Camp Superintendent and Engineer, National Park Service, U.S. Department of Interior 1934-40; Project Manager, Structural Engineer, Jackson and Moreland, Inc., 1941-57. From 1958 to 1967, he served as President and Chief Engineer, Jackson and Moreland International, Inc., and was responsible for various projects in Columbia, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Lebanon, and Venezuela. These projects involved the design of roads, water supply systems, sewage treatment, electric power generation and distribution, and management studies.

Mr. Bray was President and Chief Engineer of Bray, Backenstross & Company, Inc., 1968-71. Assignments included advice to the Government of Saudi Arabia on electric power aspects of a seawater desalting-power generating plant and supervision of construction for a $10 million college campus in Lebanon.

Our profession was fortunate to have Oscar Bray serve as National President of ASCE during some trying times in 1972. His firm, outstanding leadership qualities were as visible as a lighthouse on the rock-bound coast of New England.

His numerous honors included: The Clemens Herschel Prize, Boston Society of Civil Engineers, 1946; New England Award, Engineering Societies of New England, 1966; Distinguished Alumnus, University of Cincinnati, 1969; Citation, Engineering News-Record Construction Man of the Year, 1972.

He authored various technical articles on foundation design, tunnel design and construction. He was a Licensed Professional Engineer in Massachusetts and Vermont.

Mr. Bray was first elected to Chi Epsilon on December 10, 1971, at Northeastern University, chapter no. 60, chartered in 1965, as a Chapter Honor Member with a general number of 28,060 and an individual chapter number of 279. The Supreme Council elevated Oscar S. Bray to be the 42nd National Honor Member of Chi Epsilon on April 3, 1982, during the 27th National Conclave in the Diplomat Room at the Concourse Hotel in Madison, Wisconsin.

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