Jack Cermak


Jack Cermak

Engineering Educator – Wind Engineer – Researcher

Teaching – Consulting – Design – Wind Tunnels – Professional Organizations

Fiftieth National Honor Member Nominated by the Colorado State University Chapter

Dr. Jack E. Cermak began his service to our profession in 1949 as an instructor at Colorado State University. He continues there today as University Distinguished Professor of Fluid Mechanics and Wind Engineering in the Department of Civil Engineering.

Jack E. Cermak, who was born in Hastings, Colorado, holds a B.S. in civil engineering, 1947, and an M.S. in hydraulic engineering, 1949, from Colorado State University. His military service was with the U.S. Army as Sound Range Officer, 1943-46. In addition to his tenure at CSU, he has been a John McMullen Scholar, Engineering Mechanics, at Cornell University, 1954-55, and a NATO Postdoctoral Fellow at Cambridge University, 1961-62.

His career positions at Colorado State University include Teaching Assistant, 1947-48; Instructor, 1949-50; Assistant Professor, 1951-54; Associate Professor, 1956-59; Professor in Charge, Fluid Mechanics and Wind Engineering Program, and Director (Founder), Fluid Dynamics and Diffusion Laboratory, 1959-85; Chairman (Founder), Engineering Science Major, 1962-73; Professor and Senior Consultant, Fluid Mechanics and Wind Engineering Program, 1985-86; University Distinguished Professor, Fluid Mechanics and Wind Engineering, 1986-president.

Dr. Cermak’s professional interests include design and planning related to the effect of wind on the environment, on buildings, and on structures; design of wind-tunnels to physically model wind and wind effects; and international programs for research and design on wind engineering in India, China, and Iceland. He is a registered professional engineer in Colorado. He has been recognized in twenty-eight years. He has served as President, Chairman, Director, board member, committee member, and committee chairman of some forty-six professional organizations over the past thirty years. He continues to be currently active in such, some of which are ACE, ASCE (Fellow), ASEE, ASME, MAS, AIAA, AGU, AAAS (Fellow), AAM (Fellow), APCA, CEESI, IWEC, and Rotary International.

His some twenty awards and honors include: O. P. Pennock, distinguished Service Award for Service and Teaching, 1960; Sigma Xi honor Scientist, 1966; Engineering Dean’s Council Award for Academic Excellence, 1983; and Distinguished Service Award, 1985; ASME Distinguished Lecturer, 1986; ASEE Senior Research Award, 1987; and Engineering Dean’s Council Award of Excellence in Engineering Science, 1988-89. He is a member of seven honor societies: Kappa Mu Epsilon (mathematics), Phi Kappa Phi, Scabbard and Blade, Sigma Xi, Sigma Pi Sigma, Tau Beta Pi, and Chi Epsilon.

His numerous awards and honors include: Texas Section, ASCE Award of Honor, 1985; Wilbur S. Smith ASCE Award in Highway Engineering, 1984; Honorary Doctor of Engineering Degree, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, 1980; Honorary Member, ASCE, 1979; Tasker H. Bliss Award, American Society of Military Engineers, 1974; Edmund Friedman Professional Recognition Award, ASCE, 1973; and Distinguished Service Award, Highway Research Board, 1967. He is listed in Who’s Who in American Education, Who’s Who in America, and Leaders in American Science.

Jack Cernak was first elected to Chi Epsilon on January 13, 1953, at Colorado State University, Chapter No. 37, chartered in 1950, as a Chapter Honor Member with a general number of 9,233 and a chapter number of 60. The Supreme Council was privileged to elevate Jack E. Cermak to be the 50th National Honor Member of Chi Epsilon on March 5, 1994, at Arizona State, Tempe, Arizona, during the 33rd National Conclave.

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